Computer Ethics – Netiquettes
- Categories Cyber Ethics
“Cyber/Computer ethics” refers to the code of responsible behavior on the Internet. Here we will learn about Netiquettes. When we say net etiquettes it also includes social media etiquettes and communication etiquettes.
Netiquettes means, we should be ethical, respectful and responsible while surfing the Internet.
Ethical means we should share our information and expertise online without any copyright violations. We need to be responsible means we should not indulge in any insulting, degrading or intimidating online behavior which is Cyber Bullying. We should not encourage trolls by giving attention to them. Respectful means we should respect other people’s privacy and the freedom of personal expression. We should respect the diversity of the people in terms of knowledge, experience, culture and other aspects.
Social Media Etiquettes
Specifically on social media we need to stay secure by safeguard ourselves and our accounts. This means never sharing personal information and be careful while befriending unknown people.
We need to be cautious while uploading or sending sensitive or confidential files as it leaves digital footprint and it cannot be erased. We should not blindly believe in everything as there is lots of fake news on Social Media.
Online Media Etiquettes
Online communication or Meeting Etiquettes means we need to be precise and we should not waste other people’s time. We should not send huge amount of data or unnecessary forwards.
We should be mindful by not disturb the meeting by keeping ourselves mute and avoid unnecessary interruptions.
Be polite means to not pickup a fight and be non –aggressive in our behavior. We should build our digital credibility so that people rely on us for correct information.
Case study on Netiquettes
We will now see a case study on Netiquettes and solve some questions on it.
The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Schools and children are adjusting to new normal of studying from home. A need has arisen for a set of specific Netiquette guidelines that apply to cyber behavior. How to speak respectfully without taking part in disrespect or bullying is among the main reasons why we need these rules.
In an online classroom where you don’t see anyone in person, a certain level of formality is still expected in your communication with teachers. Mute your microphone during the lesson to avoid disturbing the class with any background noise. When you have a question or comment, use the “Raise your Hand” button. Use the chat responsibly. It is meant to facilitate conversation around the lesson topic, not for sideline discussions. Children should only visit authorized sites and refrain from forwarding SPAMs
Questions on Netiquettes
- What is Netiquette?
- It represents the importance of proper manners and behaviour online.
- It is the set of professional and social etiquettes practiced in electronic communication
- It dictates that users should obey copyright laws and avoid overusing emoticons.
- All of above
Ans: 4. All of above
- Why we should not use capital letters while communicating
- This message is very important.
- You are shouting.
- It’s okay to forward this message to others.
- Nothing special typing in all capital is normal.
Ans: 2. You are shouting
When you use capital letters it means you are shouting or asserting your point forcefully over others.
3. How should we ask a question in an online meeting
- Use the “Raise your Hand” button.
- Interrupt the teacher to ask the question
- Use chat window to ask friends.
- We should not ask any questions in online meeting
Ans 1. Use the “Raise your Hand” button.
This is to ensure that meeting is not interrupted and there are not any side conversations on the topic.
- Ritu made a new friend on a social media site. The friend asked her for date of birth, some more personal information and photos. What should Ritu do?
- She should share all these details with here friend as she trusts her friend.
- She should tell her friend not to share with anyone and then proceed to share her personal information.
- She should call and tell the details to her friend as she trusts her.
- Personal information such Date of Birth etc.is private information and should not be shared.
Ans. 4. Personal information such Date of Birth etc.is private information and should not be shared.
We should never share Personal information, photos, passwords etc. as it is private information and should not be shared.
- Why should you never send emails, texts, or IMs when you’re angry or upset?
- You may not have the best judgement when your emotions are running high.
- The person you’re communicating with will not respect you.
- It is not easy for people to tell your emotional state online.
- Nobody really cares about how you feel.
Ans. 1. You may not have the best judgement when your emotions are running high.
We need to be polite and respectful and not send any inflammatory material on the net.
- Tina’s school has URL of myschool.edu. She gets a mail from myschooll.edu to change her password as her password is about to expire. What should she do?
- She should immediately change her password so that her access is not locked out.
- She should not click or visit any suspicious links and report this to her school
- She should do it along with a friend to be sure.
- She should click on the link and find more details to be sure and then report it to her school.
Ans. 2. She should not click or visit any suspicious links and report this to her school
We should not click or visit any unknown links as they can lead to malware attacks or privacy theft.
- What is cyber bullying?
- When a person repeatedly punches, hits or kicks another in person.
- When a person is harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, threatened or tormented through the use of digital technology
- When charges are brought against an individual for using the internet to harass, intimidate or threaten another person.
- None of above
Ans. 2. When a person is harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, threatened or tormented through the use of digital technology
Cyber bullying is when a person is harassed or humiliated online.
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